Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Obsession.

So I have this new obsession: Organizing & Planning EVERYTHING!!

My husband & I recently both committed to being a lot healthier with what we eat. So, to be sure we didn't stray from our new "life change" we decided to develop a meal plan. I looked in one of my favorite books "101 Body-Sculpting Workouts & Nutrition Plans for Women" its written by the same people who do "Hers Magazine" which is a fitness magazine that I'm in love with. They have in the book a 2 week sample meal plan. So I took this idea, and other ideas from websites, other books and magazines, and ran with it. Now with this new "meal plan" idea came a new "grocery list" idea. I used this last time I went grocery shopping I had in hand (1) my meal plan (2) grocery list (3) coupons (4) store circular & (5) a budget. I managed to leave the store getting everything on my list (& nothing more!!!), use most of my coupons & discounts through the store circular, and stay within budget. :) I felt amazing! Nope, the fat-kid in me didn't come out on this grocery shopping trip. No cookies, cake mixes, cookie dough, ice cream, twinkies, nothing! Just healthy, colorful, flavorful food. :)

So my other new obsession: organizing. My husband says "You always get these ideas, but never finish them." Well sweet husband of mine, now it will get finished. Like I've said before, I have no school this summer & I only work part time. So I have alllllll the time this summer to get some organization projects done. First on my list: a "command center." Now Laura, at "I'm an Organization Junkie" gave me the idea. Her blog: is amazing. She has a million, gazillion ideas for organizing & planning EVERYTHING! I want to be just like her when I grow up. Her also offers printable menu plans, camping trips, grocery list,  "52 weeks of organizing", and even responsibility charts. In all, she's amazing.

So my first attempt of organizing is going towards my office & the closet in it. I have tons of stuff to organize: school stuff from my freshman year of high school to this last semester of college, craft stuff I use with the twins I babysit, our family meal plans, our monthly budget, my endless collections of fitness magazines & books. other random books I've acquired over the years, and all of my husband's JUNK! Next on my list will be the kitchen, then our closet & bedroom, then our lives in general.

I'm going to take Laura's idea of the "52 weeks of organizing" & put it to the test. I may not do the whole 52 weeks, just maybe 13 weeks. That will get me through the summer before school starts again.

So along with keeping on track with my half marathon training, I hope to stay on track with organizing. :)

Organization Junkie, here I come.

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