Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Today I was a total housewife & spent 90% of the day cleaning. I washed & folded about 6 loads of laundry. With two people in the house, it is amazing that we have that much laundry, but I change clothes a lot. I wear scrubs to work most of the time, then my workout clothes, my pajamas, and then my normal blue jeans and t-shirts. I wash Shane's pants just about every day too, he usually comes home with grease and grossness on them from work. I washed our bed sheets, pillows, etc. I did a load of dishes and cleaned up the bathrooms & I even managed to vacuum the whole house. It's amazing how dirty our floors get with 5 animals. I cleaned out all four litter boxes (grossness again). I really wish I could train my cats to use the toilet, it would be amazing & save so much money on litter.

Speaking of saving money, I'm on a total couponing binge now. I watch the show on TLC all time & I want to be just like them when I grow up (but maybe less of a stock pile). My first "couponing high" was about a month ago. I set a budget for myself no more than $150 for about a month's worth of groceries. Now for two people in the house it shouldn't be that hard to do, but my husband eats as if the end of the world is coming. So I printed off coupons on line (thank you & got some vendor coupons from websites. Now I told myself "if I already have some at home....I'm not creating a stock pile." I made sure to get coupons for things we eat a lot of: veggies, cereal, Tyson chicken nuggets, yogurts, bread, etc. I also used the store's weekly circular to get some things like the "Rice Sides" packets for 5/$5 and such. My original total before coupons & my discount for re-usable bags was around $197, after all of my coupons were scanned and my bag discount was given my total was: $133.54. It felt AMAZING to save that much. Not nearly as good as the women on TV, but hey it's a start. That's about a tank a gas for my husband's truck, or 2 tanks of gas for me.

I want to keep couponing (but not to the extreme of the TV people), especially since the price of everything is getting to be ridiculous.

Also, I'm addicted to this new blog:
One of my new year's resolutions was to get more organized. I've gotten myself a planner and I write down everything!! I write down daily/weekly to-do lists in a spiral notebook, put due dates for my school assignments in my planner, and even track my running and cycling in a daily running log. Now I just need to get other things organized: my craft things, coupons, pet food, Christmas things, clothes, etc. I'm hoping this new site can help me out, I just discovered it today.

Some good news:
School is coming to an end :)))) I'm already registered for the summer & fall, so if all goes as planned I should still be ready to apply for Vet school in the summer of next year.
Shane may be switching shifts at work, finally! We have been doing the whole "opposite shifts" things for a while now, it will be nice to have him home more often. :) & my birthday is coming up :) I'm looking forward to dinner and drinks with my husband and some friends :)
A Beautiful West Texas Morning

He loves car rides

Living Room


Picture wall, there will be a small table there soon too

Living room

My daily running log, I love it.

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